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Paramore: Tour
Paramore have announced a second round of dates promoting their most recent release After Laughter. Joining them on these dates will be...
New Album: Paramore
After weeks of waiting, Paramore's newest album After Laughter is officially available! The album is the first release from the band in 4...
New Song: Paramore
Paramore recently debuted another single off their upcoming album After Laughter. The single is called "Told Ya So" where it finds the...
New Music from Paramore
After countless teasers and mentions of them coming back Paramore finally debuted their single and announced their new record, After...
Festival announcement: First Wave of Riot Fest Lineup
Riot Fest Chicago has just announced the first wave of the 2017 line up on their twitter. Tickets are on sale now here and payment plans...
Most Anticipated of 2017: Part. 3
Part three of our most anticipated albums of 2017 features our writer Meghan D'Amico's thoughts! Check it out! Can't Swim - TBA Pure...
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