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Same Old Blood Rush 10 Year Tour
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Sublime with Rome Summer Tour
Distant Like You Asked Tour
End The Madness Tour
In Our Bones Tour
The Hype Tour
Chasing Safety Show
Mosh Against Addiction
Death of a Bachelor Tour
Waterparks Headliner
Frank Iero and the Patience Tour
Okay USA Tour
R5 Album Pre-Release Show
Bleeker Headliner
State Champs headliner
We Will Detonate Tour
A Lesson In Romantics Tour
Rock & Roll Express Tour
The Midnight World Tour
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Bleeker Interview
Earlier this month, Kayla spent some time with Canadian alt-rock band Bleeker! Talking about song inspiration, their new album, and more!...
Interview; Bleeker
Bleeker is a Canadian alt/rock band that has been steadily gaining traction in the states over the past year or so! Their sound is an...
Music Video: Bleeker
Canadian alt/rock group Bleeker have released a new music video for their track 'Where's Your Money'! The visuals for the video find the...
New Tour: Bleeker, Beware of Darkness, and Badflower
Today Canadian rock group Bleeker, and L.A based bands Beware of Darkness, and Badflower announced that they'll be touring the U.S...
Vinyl Giveaway: Bleeker
Canadian rockers have partnered with Bleeker to run a vinyl giveaway contest! It's simple and will only take you a couple seconds!...
New Show: Rock The Park Music Festival
Canadian pals! This ones for you! The Rock The Park Music Festival is set for Saturday July 15th, in London, Ontario Canada. Headlining...
New Song: Bleeker
Yesterday Canadian alt/rock band Bleeker released a new version of their hit "Highway". The song simply called "Highway 2017" is a...
Top five albums of 2016!
With the year winding down, we here at Salazen wanted to reflect on all of the incredible music that came out in twenty sixteen. So we...
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