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Marina City "Terminal" review!
Recently one of our writers Emmeline Knowlan had the chance to review Marina City's upcoming EP Terminal. Scroll down for a foreword from...
EP Released: Pentatonix
PTX, Vol. IV - The Classics is finally out! The three time Grammy award winning acapella group put the EP out today, it includes covers...
Album Review, Lumero
Our writer Carmyn recently took the time to sit down and check out Portland native Lerumo's recent EP Twentyone Rebel. Here's what they...
EP Tracklist: PTX
Yesterday Pentatonixannounced the tracklist for their upcoming EP - PTX, Vol.IV - Classics via twitter! The band posted "cherade" style...
New EP: Dirty Heads
This Friday Dirty Heads released an EP called Dessert! The EP features four tracks created during the recording of their self titled...
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