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Meet The Band: Chasing Safety

Our contributor, Emily Armitage, caught up with New Jersey's Hardcore/Rock band Chasing Safety on the night of their album release. Check out what the guys had to say about the album, Nomad, and music in general! (Take note that due to technical difficulties, this is not the video interview we had planned for, but special thanks to Kenny and Patrick for filling in some missing bits!)

1. What’s the local music scene like?

The band stated that they’ve heard there’s a big pop punk scene but they don’t have a lot of time to play local shows. They mostly play out of state shows and mainly in the Philly area.

2. So you’ve just released your new album “Nomad” today, How is it different from your last album?

All: Everything

Kenny: We went about the process totally different. We let the music breathe for itself and didn’t try to cram as many things into possible into the songs.

3. How did you get on tour with Ice Nine? How did you meet them?

Kenny: We threatened them. They played a lot of shows in Jersey.

Luke: We got to know them finally when we did one of their first headlining tours a couple of years ago. We started hanging out, It’s been a good relationship ever since.

Patrick: Great guys. Shout out ICE NINE.

4. For People who haven’t heard of you, what sets you guys apart from other bands in your genre?

Luke: We’re the worst guys ever.

Kenny: That sets us apart, most bands are really nice but we’re really mean.

Patrick: We’re kidding. That’s a tough one to answer.

Kenny: I don’t think Nomad really sounds like anything that’s in the scene right now. I think we really went for something different. I feel like whenever we think or whenever you're in the studio you kind of isolate yourself and have your mind wrapped around whatever you’re doing and what you’re focused on.

Patrick: As far as being different, I guess the only thing we could say is that we are very much true to what we like as individuals and musicians

5. What/Who are your musical Influences?

Kenny: physical?

Emily: Musical?

All: ….Dwayne the Rock Johnson...Steve Irwin….

Patrick: Luke and I both come from a heavier backgrounds, listening to heavier music. I also like rap music a lot. It’s a combination of everything we’re listening to both currently and formerly.

Luke: A lot of influences on the lighter side of things. Super heavy music.

Patrick: Ken’s the pop god.

Emily: What bands?

Kenny: I grew up listening to like Dashboard confessional….I feel like we listen to a lot of 2000’s post hardcore bands.

6. Did you all learn instruments with lessons or did you teach yourself?

Kenny: I personally started playing guitar because my brother got a guitar. I think just anything that he did i was like “oh i wanna do that”. I taught myself how to play guitar just listening to like old radio and trying to figure out chords and I’ve been singing since as long as i can remember. I should’ve taken lessons.

Luke: I took lessons for a couple of years of my life and I definitely am thankful that I did that because I’m not that good now and I can only imagine how shitty i’d be if i didn't have the direction of a professional at a young age.

Patrick: Took lessons for a couple of years and learned a ton.

7. What was the first concert you went to?

Patrick: Avenged Sevenfold and Saving Abel in 2009.

Luke: The first metal concert I went to was the Devil Wears Prada and a Day to Remember but my dad was always taking me to classic rock shows and like instrumental band shows so like I was always going to shows.

Kenny: My first show was blink 182 and green day it was like a co-headlining tour and it was fucking awesome.

8. So, what made you want to be in a band?

Luke: nothing.

Emily: Oh.

Luke: I think we all have a love for writing music and playing live music. Obviously we all love being on the road and drinking a lot of beer and getting kicked out of places.

Kenny: I’m sad we didn’t get kicked out last night.

Patrick: We got kicked out the way a 30 year old gets kicked out.

Kenny: I remember being young and being in a crowd and just witnessing the absolute pandemonium but at the same time it’s together and cohesive, like seeing Underoath for the first time and stuff like that, that’s what made me.

Patrick: it’s the energy.

Luke: The first time I wanted to be in a band I think is like, I used to watch live videos of Slipknot on Youtube like all fucking night.

Patrick: Same.

Luke: I really like, I had this unrealistic dream that one day they were going to let me do a drum solo for them. I think that’s really why I started playing. I’m getting ready for my big Slipknot drum solo.

Patrick: He’s still preparing... The energy we experienced going to concerts and latching onto it and wanting to make it a career

9. What would you change about the music industry?


Luke: Fire everyone that’s on top.

Patrick: Loyalty. Instill some loyalty into people.

Kenny: Try to get the US Dollar back into relation with it.

Patrick: Get rid of streaming

Kenny: It’s a weird time in the music industry. I think we’ve just been holding on for dear life.

Patrick: Bands like use are in limbo because we’re not big enough to where it doesn’t matter to miss out on those royalties. Where you know people aren’t hearing our album because they purchased it for 9.99, they’re listening to it on Spotify, they’re hearing it on different album streams that are occurring online through different music publications. And that’s great because it offers exposure but at the same time it cuts out the potential to have revenue which is why touring and merchandising is so important for bands like us because we’re not big enough to where we can just say fuck it.

Luke: so a band has to spend 10 months out of the year on the road to make a living. Sometimes that’s not even enough.

Patrick: We all have side jobs.

Be sure to check out Chasing Safety's new album Nomad! You can buy it on iTunes HERE, as well as following the band on TWITTER, FACEBOOK, and INSTAGRAM. You can also check out our photo gallery from the release show HERE.

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