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New Video: Ed Sheeran
Ed Sheeran has released the third music video from his newest album, Divide! The video is for the newest single off of that album,...
New Music: Ed Sheeran
By now you've probably caught on to the theme of Ed Sheeran's album titles. He started with Plus, then we got Multiply, and today, he...
New Song: Ed Sheeran
In the spirit of his own birthday, Ed Sheeran has released another track off his upcoming album, Divide. The track "How Would You Feel...
New Video: Ed Sheeran
Ed Sheeran has released the second music video from his newly announced album, Divide. "Shape of You" shows a very different side to the...
Music Video: Ed Sheeran
Ed Sheeran has released a music video for his track "Castle On The Hill". The track is one of two to be released on the day Ed announced...
Ed Sheeran Released Two New Tracks Off Upcoming Record
Ed Sheeran has released two tracks off his upcoming album, Divide. After an entire year out of the music industry and off social media,...
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