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Same Old Blood Rush 10 Year Tour
Warped Tour 2016
The Weekend Riot Show
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All Time Low Summer Tour
Sublime with Rome Summer Tour
Distant Like You Asked Tour
End The Madness Tour
In Our Bones Tour
The Hype Tour
Chasing Safety Show
Mosh Against Addiction
Death of a Bachelor Tour
Waterparks Headliner
Frank Iero and the Patience Tour
Okay USA Tour
R5 Album Pre-Release Show
Bleeker Headliner
State Champs headliner
We Will Detonate Tour
A Lesson In Romantics Tour
Rock & Roll Express Tour
The Midnight World Tour
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New Cover: Charming Liars
Charming Liars have released a cover of Elton John's "I'm Still Standing". A portion of the proceeds from the track will go to MusiCares!...
New Singles: Andrew McMahon
Today Andrew McMahon released two Spotify singles! You can head over now and stream "Fire Escape" and his cover of "Walking on a Dream"...
Music Video: Beauty and the Beast
Today Ariana Grande and John Legend premiered a music video for their cover of "Beauty and the Beast". The video for the upcoming Disney...
We Are Forever release new cover.
Covers. We know! It seems like everyone these days wants to cover the top 40 tunes for a bit of attention. Hear us out though. We Are...
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